"Where can we find videos of Mario Lopez? What are the links to the sites where there are videos of Mario Lopez?..."
"This past Sunday, Pampers sponsored a baby shower for new dad, Mario Lopez. Mario also has a new show launching on VH1 that's all about his journey into...."
"Here is the original post: Mario Lopez Knockout Fitness Phase 3: Weeks 5 and 6/ Book Review. Comments are closed. Partner links. Latest Articles. Soul Born Book Trailer · TwiHard book review #5 · Call of Duty modern warfare 2 Crack ......"
"What a precious little angel cutie pie! Mario Lopez´s wife, Courtney Laine Mazza, was spotted at The Grove yesterday with the couple´s absolutely beautiful baby daughter, Gia, and we......"
"Bristol Palin on the set with Mario Lopez. LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 28: Bristol Palin and Mario Lopez pose on the. A smiling Bristol Palin stepped on the set with Extra host Mario Lopez. LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 28: Mark Ballas and ......"
"The super-happy power duo showed up at The Grove today for an interview with Mario Lopez of Extra. I have to say Bristol is even super cuter in person and has a glow about her smile. Mark, as I have said many times, may be the nicest ......"
"VH1 TV Shows | Music Videos | Celebrity Photos | News & Gossip Your extended look at the upcoming series Mario Lopez: Saved by the Baby (premiering Monday, Nov. 1 at 10:30/9:30c) is here at last. This...."
"LOS ANGELES, CA - OCTOBER 28: (L-R) Bristol Palin, Mario Lopez Dancing with the Stars dancers Mark Ballas & Bristol Palin guest star on "Extra" and pose for pics with host Mario Lopez at "The Grove" in L.A.! Share. Share This Story ......"
"Mario Lopez is a new daddy who proudly showed off his baby girl for...."
For latest Mario Lopez news and photos, please visit atMegaStars.com
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