KAT-TUN Nakamaru Sees NEWS Masuda's Theater Production

Kattun Nakamaru YuichiNEWS takahisa masuda

Just the other day, KAT-TUN member Nakamaru went to see a theater production in which NEWS member Masuda played the lead role. Afterwards, Nakamaru also went backstage...

Nakamaru "Yesterday I went to see a theater production called '雨の日森の中 / Ame no Hi Mori no Naka [lit. 'In the forest when raining']' starring Masuda. It was a fast-paced comedy that could be enjoyed by everyone, and was really interesting. It's about a man and a woman that get lost in the woods, and they eventually come across a lodge. Due to a small accident, the couple and the lodge's owner and people staying there begin to completely misunderstand each other. At some parts you become anxious about the characters, and then in different scenes you find yourself laughing at them. After it was over I went backstage to go see Masuda. He was wearing a very unique T-shirt. I want one too."

What sort of T-shirt was Masuda wearing? The Johnny's members participate in a wide range of activities. Seeing each other's performances must bring positive influence.

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